2024 STI Prevention Conference

Strengthening Sexual Health Through STI Prevention


September 16-19, 2024 | Atlanta, GA

Welcome to the 2024 STI Prevention Conference!​

The STI Prevention Conference is a biennial conference that brings together international leading researchers with government experts, clinical STD care providers, and state and local public health administrators. The 2024 STI Prevention Conference is organized by the American Sexual Health Association, the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Coalition of STD Directors. Join more than 1,200 conference attendees September 16-19, 2024, in Atlanta, Georgia, for four days of scientific updates and cutting-edge sessions on science, program, and policy. We hope to see you there!​

Key Conference Dates

May 13, 2024: Call for Late-Breaker Abstracts Opens

June 2024: Acceptance Notices for General Abstracts Sent

June 21, 2024: Late-Breaker Abstract Submission Closes​

July 2024: Acceptance Notices for Late-Breaker Abstracts Sent

August 15, 2024: Regular Registration Closes

September 16, 2024: Conference Begins​

September 19, 2024: Conference Ends

Conference Partners

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